Bridging languages and memories to foster multiple identities: "Never leave your backpack behind!"

About the project

BACKPACK ID is an innovative intervention for promoting the inclusion of refugee children at school in 4 European countries (Greece and Italy, Germany and Sweden), which are met with acute and very diverse challenges by the ongoing refugee crisis. Informed by these differences, the present approach on social inclusion advances a common account of social inclusion challenges; it sees the social inclusion of refugee children as a function of addressing the needs and perspectives of those children and their families, and local communities and stakeholders, while affirming common European values.

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Backpack ID using a bottom-up participatory method produced the following outputs in order to address social inclusion interpersonal and intergroup understanding in the school environment.

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Who we are

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Rahi's personal story
Rahi's personal story

My daa was an officer and my mom was housewife in Syria and I was a student. We moved because it was war in my country and it was not good it was scary. We were worried about me and my family that's why we by boat. It was difficult because I left my country and my stuff and my relatives. We were many on the boat. I missed my relatives, my country, my city and my friends. We took with us the lack of people who died in the war. We took with us beautiful memories from the school in Syria, letters and gift from my friends and photos. The qualities I gained through the experience of moving were patience, optimism, responsibility and courage.

Rahi's personal story

Nobody has the same story as I do. My story is special and that is why I have not met any persons who has had the same experiences as I have. The difference between me and the others is that they flew to Sweden and nothing scary and sad happened to them whereas I came over the ocean. I learned patience, being responsible, be brave, being positive and helpful.

Rahi's personal story