Bridging languages and memories to foster multiple identities: "Never leave your backpack behind!"

About the project

BACKPACK ID is an innovative intervention for promoting the inclusion of refugee children at school in 4 European countries (Greece and Italy, Germany and Sweden), which are met with acute and very diverse challenges by the ongoing refugee crisis. Informed by these differences, the present approach on social inclusion advances a common account of social inclusion challenges; it sees the social inclusion of refugee children as a function of addressing the needs and perspectives of those children and their families, and local communities and stakeholders, while affirming common European values.

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Backpack ID using a bottom-up participatory method produced the following outputs in order to address social inclusion interpersonal and intergroup understanding in the school environment.

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Who we are

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Once upon a time there was a soldier called Domenico Bernardi; he was married with a woman named Marianna Marzocchi. Domenico and Marianna had been married for few years and they did not know they would soon have a son.

The military leader

One day Domenico decided he would go to visit his parents and he started walking through the countryside. You should know that Domenico’s parents were farmers and he was a farmer too before becoming a soldier.

He didn’t know exactly why he had become a soldier, maybe because his parents were poor, but he understood that someone had payed his inscription fee to the military academy. He wanted to go visit his parents also because he wanted to know more about this story...

When he got to the small house made of stones, many childhood memories came to his mind and a small teardrop went by his face… But since he was a military leader he was supposed to be tough and he could not cry for any reason.He knocked the door and a short lady, thin and white-haired with a light complexion, full of wrinkles, opened him.
