Bridging languages and memories to foster multiple identities: "Never leave your backpack behind!"

About the project

BACKPACK ID is an innovative intervention for promoting the inclusion of refugee children at school in 4 European countries (Greece and Italy, Germany and Sweden), which are met with acute and very diverse challenges by the ongoing refugee crisis. Informed by these differences, the present approach on social inclusion advances a common account of social inclusion challenges; it sees the social inclusion of refugee children as a function of addressing the needs and perspectives of those children and their families, and local communities and stakeholders, while affirming common European values.

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Backpack ID using a bottom-up participatory method produced the following outputs in order to address social inclusion interpersonal and intergroup understanding in the school environment.

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Who we are

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Hi, my name’s Cesare and I will tell you my story!

I’m 12 years old and I was born in Parma the 29th of June 2006. My mother is Anna and my father Giancarlo. I don’t remember the first day of my life but I guess I have been crying 24 hours a day.

In the last day of that week (of when I was born) I’ve met a little bit of my family: aunt Paola, uncle Giorgio, grandma Silvana and my cousins Francesca, Sara, Chiara and Carlotta. About my mother’s family: my mother’s father is Pierluigi Mutti and my grandmother is Silvana Tebaldi. My grandfather was an architect and he managed his father’s company, my grandmother was a pre-school teacher.

About my father’s family: I’ve never met my grandparents, I only met my aunt but unfortunately, she’s now dead.

I was called ‘Cesare’ in the name of ‘Caio Giulio Cesare’, the very famous emperor of ancient Rome. Cesare means ‘chef’, ‘king’, and ‘great’.

My name was chosen between six names which my parents liked: Francesco, Marco, Cesare, Giulio, Giovanni and Giuseppe.Do you know that my family name is the same of Sandro, famous tv announcer in Italy, and previous football player in an ‘A’ team?
