Creare ponti tra lingue e memorie per promuovere identità multiple “Non lasciarti mai alle spalle il tuo zaino”

Il progetto

BACKPACK ID è un intervento innovativo per promuovere l'inclusione di bambini migranti a scuola in 4 paesi europei (Grecia e Italia, Germania e Svezia), che sono dinnanzi a sfide acute e molto differenziate nel quadro dalla crisi dei rifugiati in corso. Sulla base di queste differenze, l'attuale approccio all'inclusione sociale fa avanzare una visione comune delle sfide dell'inclusione sociale; considera l'inclusione sociale dei bambini migranti in funzione dei bisogni e delle prospettive di quei bambini e delle loro famiglie, delle comunità locali e delle parti interessate, pur affermando valori europei comuni.

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Backpack ID utilizzando un metodo partecipativo dal basso ha prodotto i seguenti risultati per affrontare l'inclusione sociale interpersonale e la comprensione intergruppo nell'ambiente scolastico.

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Chi Siamo

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The project is now closed. If you would like to request additional information about the project, you can contact the project coordinator here.

Amelia, my home country

Hi, my name is Amelia and I am 12 years old. I was born in Poland and the transition to Germany was very difficult for me. I was crying for roughly two weeks; it was difficult for my family also. The hardest hit was my best friend, she reckoned that her life without me did not make any sense anymore. I wanted to start crying then but I didn’t, otherwise she would have been even more sad. The first week in Germany was very difficult and sad and after one year it was worse. I had to go to school and when I looked into the classroom, I quickly ran back to my mother and started crying, because there were only Arabic children and there are none in my country. In 4th grade I made friends. But it’s not like I no longer meet or have forgotten my friends in Poland. I still meet them. Now I am in grade 6 and I feel comfortable here. But I do miss my family and my friends.
