Partners’ Meeting in Berlin, Germany
The sixth partner meeting of the 'BACKPACK ID' project was successfully conducted in Germany on the 13th to 14th of February 2020 and was hosted by Athene- Grundschule.
A nice surprise during this meeting was the involvement of the students of Athene- Grundschule who welcomed the partners’ consortium in all languages (English, Greek, Swedish, Italian and German). Also, another group of students prepared a tour in the English language for the partners to see their school facilities.
During the meeting CARDET presented the final work of the Anthology (IO3) and the platform as a whole. EKPA also presented the structure of the Teachers’ Toolkit, the final output of the project to be developed until May 2020. All partners’ contributed in the discussion and brainstorming in order for the toolkit to be as useful as possible to other teachers and professionals.
Dissemination of the project was another point at which the partners focused on during this meeting and a plan is going to be send along with all project’s deadlines and final tasks by CARDET to all partners.
The final meeting of the ‘BACKAPCK ID’ team will take place where everything started two years ago, in Rethymno, Crete on the 21st and 22nd of May.
The meeting will be combined with the final Multiplier Event of the project where all outputs of the project will be presented to teachers and relevant stakeholders. The multiplier event will take place on the 23rd of May.