Stories for students

Rejan's transition story
Rejan's transition story

Hello, my name is Rejan and I am from Syria. I was sad in Syria because I was going to be separated from my family and my friends.

I had a pleasant journey to Sweden. I went from Lebanon which has a nice airport and landed in Turkey which has a big airport with a lot of people. We had brought many suitcases. I felt both joy and sorrow for leaving all my dear ones in Syria.

We waited in Turkey for about two hours before we took the flight to Stockholm. I enjoyed the flight, especially the last part of it, because I saw Sweden for the first time in my life. When we arrived the weather was a bit cold which upset me, but I knew I would soon get used to it. When the flight landed we went by a really nice and big bus. I was surprised and looked out the window and enjoyed the nice view, which got my attention from the first moment. It was a pleasant journey where I got to visit many countries. On my journey I learned strength, patience ant to be observant.

Some friends of mine told me about their journeys where I can see similarities concerning buses, flight and running away from war and tragedies. I can also see many dissimilarities like for example arriving by land, by forest, and by sea and that they got to experience difficult situations.

Rejan's transition story
Rejan's transition story

I went to school Syria. My mom who worked as a pharmacist was at home. We moved for a better future for us. I was worried about the war and what the war did for the country and the sound of shooting. I missed my relatives and the beautiful atmosphere of Syria. I brought my longing for my country and my friends and beautiful memories of him will not be deleted from my memory. I was helped by thinking of my friends, relatives and memories with them and continuous communication. The qualities I gained through the experience of moving were patience, strength and responsibility and that man must be strong.
