Stories for students

We Cretans are somewhat different from other Greeks. We drink a lot, we fight a lot, but we are also very hospitable... we are "a lot" of everything. This is how I feel too, that I do everything over the top. So, although we have different personalities and different characters, at the same time we also have some common elements, which make us stand out from other Greeks. Also, although we come from different countries, we all care about the good of the planet and try to protect it, and that really is very important.

Interview with her mother

My name is Georgia and I was born in Athens but I have been living in Rethymnon for twelve years. I came here in 2006, at the age of 36. I moved because of personal and family reasons. Initially, I felt fear, anxiety, sadness, homesickness, but only for the first ten days. Too many things were in my mind when I first came here. Soon I got married and had a family.

My childhood, my student life and my first boyfriends, as well as my strong friendships, these are the things I often long for. Indeed, what I miss the most from all this, even today, is my friends.
