BACKPACK ID in times of COVID- 19- Final Meeting and an Overview of the project
We all have been experiencing challenging times this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic…
However, the BACKPACK ID team did not stop working and even though meeting in person was not an option, they still have managed to meet online more than once in order to follow up on the project’s tasks, support one another’s work and exchange ideas and practices regarding the Multipliers’ Events implementations.
With the support of technology and the online tools, partners met in June and September 2020.
During the final online meeting in September, partners had the chance to recap on project’s tasks and follow up on the reporting process. Also, they took some time to reflect upon the overall work that has been done the past 3 years and celebrate their accomplishment.
The BACKPACK ID project, being an innovative intervention, managed to engage with many students coming from different cultural, social, economic and other backgrounds, involve their families in the process; either mentally or practically, and connect them with their teachers in a more meaningful way.
All partners felt that this project had an actual impact in students and teachers’ life and that the material produced can support its long term sustainability.