Antologin är en nationsöverskridande samling innehållande analyser som både lärare och elever har gjort av e-boken och videorna så här långt i projektet. Särskild tonvikt lades på teman och analytiska kategorier som deltagarna använde för att förstå de olika situationer som presenteras i e-böcker och videor.
Den här nationsöverskridande samlingen kan också ge lärare och elever nya idéer om hur man kan använda elevers berättelser till aktiviteter och möjliga sätt för att arbeta multimodalt, att analysera och reflektera.
Ladda ner antologi"The classroom climate totally changed, the students were talking about themselves and their everyday lives, something that happens rarely in school…".
Nantia Tsene, 1st High School of Avlonas, Greece
"I liked the fact of working on material produced by students from other countries"
Student, Lower Secondary School of Collecchio, Italy
"… Working on texts and elements proving transition and migration phenomena, represented an initial step towards the building of a multicultural identity."
Lorenza Morgante, Lower Secondary School of Collecchio, Italy
"The pupils were very dedicated and I think that was due to the theme of writing about their family."
Teacher, Reception unit Adjunkten, Sweden
"The pupils thought that it was positive that they were allowed to write in the language that they felt most familiar with."
Teacher, Reception unit Adjunkten, Sweden
"They really liked suggesting activities and working away from the school book."
Teacher, Junior High-School of Perama Mylopotamou, University of Crete, Greece
"I’m happy and relieved because I now know that I’m not alone and I have many things in common to share with others."
Student, 1st High School of Avlonas, Greece
"I think the other guys are just like us, even if they come from other countries."
Student, Lower Secondary School of Collecchio, Italy
"Personally, I liked it, because I learn how other children think and because the stories are so different."
Student, Junior High-School of Perama Mylopotamou, University of Crete, Greece
"The program moved me because I found out how difficult it is for young foreigners to adjust to a new environment."
Student, 1st High School of Avlonas, Greece
"I observed students’ curiosity towards the materials produced by other students and a strong motivation during production session."
Tania Bussi, Lower Secondary School of Collecchio, Italy
"This topic stimulated my curiosity. I noted that texts apparently differ in contents, but they still similar to certain aspects of our lives."
Student, Lower Secondary School of Collecchio, Italy
"The material of Backpack ID is, in my opinion, extremely valuable, as it was designed by children for children."
Annie Keki, 1st High School of Avlonas, Greece
"Personally, this activity made me ruminate on issues that emerged, regarding my professional role in the classroom, the curriculum and whether it allows teachers the necessary freedom to implement such activities, as well as what is ultimately the best way to learn."
Teacher, 2nd Primary School of Thrakomakedones, Greece
"The children were satisfied from the fact that they were given the opportunity to talk about their surroundings, their family and their origins…"
Foteini Papariga, 1st High School of Avlonas, Greece